Abricon was commissioned to undertake an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of a site in Longhope, Gloucestershire, consisting of a farmhouse, associated outbuildings and agricultural fields. The initial survey found evidence of two species of bats in the farmhouse cellar, loft and in one of the stone barns. As bats are protected by national and international legislation further bat emergence surveys were recommended and undertaken.
A mitigation strategy for bats was then included in the final report in order to satisfy the local planning authority (LPA) and secure planning permission.
Once planning permissions/listed building consent had been awarded, Abricon, on behalf of the client, applied for and was granted a European Protected Species (Bats) License from Natural England. The license allowed activities that affected a bat roost to be undertaken. Finally, Abricon provided a licensed bat ecologist to oversee part of the renovation works, ensuring that the client was legally compliant.