environmental consultancy

T+44(0)1275 391 297 E ecology@abricon.com

Bird Surveys

We offer a wide range of bird surveys, including breeding bird surveys, winter bird surveys and barn owl surveys.

Our team quickly identifies situations where the presence of birds requires consideration. And finds solutions to often complex problems. Our attention to detail, investment in technology and vast experience allows us to be very competitive. We respond to enquiries same day and schedule our surveys in days (not weeks), which helps our clients to meet even very tight deadlines. Our efficiency and expertise has saved our clients lots of money!

Breeding Bird Surveys – Methodology

Surveys for breeding birds involve an experienced ecologist visiting the site at least three times between April and June. Surveyors walk (transect route) around the site, which includes all the previously identified habitats and proposed development area. Ecologists map Bird species and their behaviour and asses the significance of the species present and an estimate the number of breeding territories.

Our expert bird ecologists then use the survey information to design works to avoid or reduce adverse impacts on breeding birds and to mitigate for any loss of habitat.

Winter Bird Surveys – Methodology

This type of survey requires up to four surveys, one per month. November, December, January and February are ideal months for these surveys.

Surveys for winter birds involve an experienced ecologist visiting the site at least three times. Surveyors walk around the development site (transect route) and map the bird species and their behaviour. They then assess the significance of the species present and an estimate of the number of wintering birds.

Our expert bird ecologists then use the survey information and design works to avoid impact on wintering birds and to mitigate for any loss of foraging habitat.

Barn Owl Surveys – Methodology

We carry out surveys following the ‘bottom-up’ intensive search survey method outlined by the Barn
Owl Trust and a desk top study for records of barn owl in the area. This involves a surveyor holding a Schedule 1 license for barn owl conducting a search for barn owl evidence starting with the least suitable part of the site and finishing with the most suitable part, thereby minimizing potential disturbance to barn owls. Evidence includes pellets, feathers, splash marks (droppings), nest debris, actual sightings of live or dead owls and owlets, smell, and food begging calls. Surveyor then makes an assessment of the surrounding habitat for barn owls.

Protection & Legislation

All wild birds in the UK are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside (WCA) Act 1981 (as amended) making it illegal to:

  • Kill, injure or take any wild bird
  • Take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is being built or in use
  • Take or destroy the eggs of any wild bird
  • Possess or control any wild bird or egg unless obtained legally

Bird species listed in Schedule 1 of the WCA receive special protection. This means that in addition to the offences above, it is also illegal to intentionally or recklessly disturb any bird listed on schedule 1 (such as Barn owls Tyto alba) while nesting or to disturb any of its dependant young.

Survey calendar for Birds

Survey calendar for birds

Mitigation calendar for Birds

Mitigation calendar for Birds

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The latest from the blog

Aerial Bat Tree Climbing Inspections and Bat Survey Licence

6th February 2018

Our ecology team members, Samuel Olney and Aaron Isaacs, have been very busy this winter and it is our pleasure to announce that they have achieved their CS38 Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue Level 2 certifications. Samuel Olney has also been approved as being sufficiently experienced to hold a Bat Class 2 survey licence from […]

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Get in touch

Telephone +44(0)1275 391 297 Email ecology@abricon.com

1 Lyons Court,
Long Ashton Business Park,
Yanley Lane,
Long Ashton,
BS41 9LB