There has been continuing concern expressed about the aviation sector. The aviation sectors Carbon impact has seen as a significant issue.
This challenge was at the core of a landmark resolution on Climate Change. Therefore in June 2008 the ACI EUROPE’s member airports committed to reduce their carbon emissions. With the ultimate goal of becoming carbon neutral.
Following years of working individually to address their local environmental impact, airports are now working in a collective way. They set up The Airport Carbon Accreditation scheme to make further strides; in managing, reducing and ultimately neutralising their carbon footprint.
As part of the Airport Carbon Accreditation application process, each airport’s carbon footprint must be independently verified before consideration by the programme administrator WSP Environment & Energy.
What is Airport Carbon Accreditation?
Click on the diagram below to link to the ACA website for more information on the “Four Levels of Certification”
Abricon are an established independent third party verifier for the scheme, and have recently worked with Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport who have successfully completed the Mapping of their carbon foot print. Click here for the case study.